How should I clean my custom colored contacts if I don’t have access to clean water?

By | February 28, 2024

Cleaning custom colored contacts without access to clean water can be challenging, but there are alternative methods you can use to temporarily clean the lenses and alleviate discomfort. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Use Saline Solution: If you have access to sterile saline solution or multipurpose contact lens solution, you can use it to rinse your custom colored contacts. Pour a small amount of the solution into the palm of your hand and gently rub the lenses with your fingertip to remove any debris or residue. Avoid using tap water or bottled water that may not be sterile or free from contaminants.
  2. Use Contact Lens Rewetting Drops: If you don’t have saline solution available, you can use contact lens rewetting drops or lubricating eye drops to temporarily clean and hydrate your custom colored contacts. Apply a few drops of the solution directly onto the surface of each lens and gently rub the lenses with your fingertip to remove any buildup or debris.
  3. Use a Lens Cleaning Cloth: If you have a clean, lint-free microfiber cloth or lens cleaning cloth available, custom colored contacts  you can use it to gently wipe the surface of your custom colored contacts. Moisten the cloth with a small amount of saline solution or rewetting drops and carefully wipe the lenses in a circular motion to remove any particles or deposits.
  4. Avoid Using Tap Water: It’s important to avoid using tap water or non-sterile water sources to clean your custom colored contacts, as they may contain bacteria, viruses, or other contaminants that can cause eye infections or damage the lenses. Stick to sterile solutions and products specifically designed for contact lens care.
  5. Consider Temporary Removal: If you’re unable to clean your custom colored contacts properly, consider temporarily removing them and storing them in a clean contact lens case filled with sterile saline solution or multipurpose contact lens solution. This will help prevent dehydration and maintain the integrity of the lenses until you can properly clean them.
  6. Seek Professional Advice: If you’re unsure about how to clean your custom colored contacts without access to clean water, or if you experience persistent discomfort or irritation, seek advice from an eye care professional. They can provide guidance on alternative cleaning methods and recommend appropriate solutions based on your individual needs.

While it’s important to clean your custom colored contacts regularly to maintain their clarity and comfort, it’s equally important to prioritize eye health and safety by using sterile solutions and avoiding non-sterile water sources. If you find yourself in a situation where clean water is not available, custom coloured contacts  use the methods described above to temporarily clean your lenses until you can access proper cleaning supplies.

What should I do if my custom coloured contacts feel dry while wearing them?

If your custom colored contacts feel dry while wearing them, it’s essential to address the discomfort promptly to prevent further irritation or potential damage to your eyes.

Here are steps you can take to alleviate dryness and improve comfort:

  1. Use Lubricating Eye Drops: Apply lubricating eye drops or rewetting drops specifically designed for contact lens wearers. These drops help moisturize and hydrate your eyes, reducing dryness and discomfort associated with wearing contact lenses. Follow the instructions on the eye drop packaging for proper usage and dosing.
  2. Blink Frequently: Intentionally blink more frequently while wearing your custom colored contacts. Blinking helps spread tears evenly over the surface of your eyes, providing natural lubrication and moisture. Take regular breaks from activities that require intense focus, such as reading or working on a computer, to allow your eyes to rest and blink naturally.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain overall hydration, which can help alleviate dryness in your eyes. Dehydration can contribute to dry eye symptoms, so staying hydrated is essential for maintaining eye comfort while wearing contact lenses.
  4. Avoid Environmental Triggers: Minimize exposure to environmental factors that can exacerbate dryness, such as dry or windy conditions, air conditioning, and smoke. Consider using a humidifier in your home or office to add moisture to the air and prevent excessive evaporation of tears.
  5. Check Contact Lens Fit: Ensure that your custom colored contacts are properly fitted to your eyes. Ill-fitting lenses can cause irritation and discomfort, including dryness. If you experience persistent dryness despite using lubricating eye drops, custom contact lenses color  consult your eye care professional to assess the fit of your contact lenses.
  6. Limit Contact Lens Wear Time: Reduce the amount of time you wear your custom colored contacts each day, especially if you frequently experience dryness or discomfort. Follow the recommended wearing schedule provided by your eye care professional and give your eyes adequate rest between wearing sessions.
  7. Clean and Replace Contact Lenses: Keep your custom colored contacts clean and well-maintained to prevent debris buildup and bacterial contamination, which can contribute to dryness and irritation. Follow proper lens care guidelines for cleaning, disinfecting, and replacing your contact lenses as recommended.
  8. Avoid Overuse of Eye Drops: While lubricating eye drops can provide temporary relief from dryness, avoid overusing them as this can lead to dependence and potential rebound dryness. Use eye drops only as needed and consult your eye care professional if you require frequent use of lubricating drops.
  9. Consult Your Eye Care Professional: If dryness persists despite taking these measures, or if you experience other symptoms such as redness, irritation, or blurred vision, schedule an appointment with your eye care professional. They can evaluate your eyes, assess the fit and condition of your contact lenses, and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs.

By following these steps and addressing dryness promptly, you can improve comfort while wearing your custom colored contacts and maintain the health and integrity of your eyes. If dryness persists or worsens, seek professional guidance from your eye care provider for further evaluation and management.

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